
26 March, 2023


“Humanity and good policy conspire to dictate that the benign prerogative of pardon should be as little as possible fettered or embarrassed.  The Criminal Code of every country partake so much of necessary severity that, without an easy access to exceptions in favor of unfortunate guilt, Justice would wear a countenance too sanguinary and cruel.”

Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist, No. 6


            The above quote has since been removed from the cover of the booklet issued by the Board of Pardons when I came to prison.

            My name is James  Muhammed Taylor.  I am 81 years old with 51 years served on a life sentence.  I am a living witness to the fact that Death by the means of day to day Imprisonment until you die without the possibility of parole is Real in the state of Pennsylvania.  And this form of Death Sentence, usually reserved for those who commit mass murder, is consistently being carried out by the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons against the majority Black Lifer population in this state who have not committed such crimes or deserve such punishment.  This cruelty of death comes through the denial of commutation relief over and over again to Lifers such as myself and others, after serving 25, 30, 40 and 50 years of imprisonment.

            History does not deceive us.  History does not lie to us about the origin of this racist cruelty being perpetuated against the release of Black Lifers in this state.  It was the (questionable) release of a Black Lifer, Reginald McFadden, which gave the Racist Political Element an opportunity to cause the complete shutdown of the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons for 25 years in driving the stereotypical fear in White people as a reason against releasing “Dangerous Black criminals back into the community through the Board of Pardons in the first place.”  And they did it as a collective punishment of ALL Lifers -- Black, White, and Hispanic -- because of the actions of one bad apple!

            We are calling on all right minded people, as a moral obligation to take a stand against this form of Institutionalized Racism that kills Black Lifers unjustifiably and denies them their freedom.

     The Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, during former Governor Milton Shapp’s Administration, released hundreds of Lifers.  This is proof positive for the case I am making for the immediate release of Senior Black Lifers here at SCI Phoenix to serve a greater purpose of service to the African Community of Philadelphia in a time of need.

             “Free Them To Heal Us”  is a voice coming from the society to those Elected Officials who claim to be in search of a solution to the out of control gun violence and crime within the African American community of Philadelphia.  This voice is a testament to the powerful work being done towards the economic justice, social justice, criminal justice, and racial justice reforms we have been working towards over the course of many years.

         To use the example of Joseph found in the Bible and Holy Qur’an:  One of the important lessons to be taken from his story is that, as a prisoner, Joseph looked into the society and saw a solution to an important problem that the Authorities were looking for and found in the unexpected place of a prison.  The point being made is that, as  collective body of prisoners, we, too, have looked into society with a view towards making a valuable contribution in a time of need.  And right now, with an investment of trust from Governor Shapiro of Pennsylvania and Mayor Kenney of Philadelphia, we would have space to breathe and feel confident about having chosen the location for an economic justice and social justice model -- a Reentry Zone -- envisioned for Returning Citizens to the community from our prisons to operate from.  Being one of those men, I can indeed assure the public and those in Authority that, through the ongoing efforts of our various economic justice and social justice reform initiatives, we are on a mission of bringing an effective Healing to the African American community that the Authorities themselves are seeking a solution for, coming from the unexpected source of a prison.

            The leadership of our Economic Justice and Social Justice Initiatives here at Phoenix are continuing to prove themselves well qualified to set the Economic Justice and Social Justice Model in place as a guide for others to follow in addressing gun violence and crime in the African American community.  The State has the legal means of releasing these Seniors immediately.

            The Men of Phoenix have the support of politicians and others from the community who see the value in our being released to do the work.

            We are now in need of support from our Prisoner Support Organizations in making a direct appeal to those in Authority on our behalf, encouraging them to release those Seniors immediately to do the trench work necessary in addressing gun violence, economic justice, social justice, and crime within the African American community from our unique perspective.  This work would be permitted to go forward in a show of good faith on the part of the Authorities by acting upon a viable Prison Reform measure to be carried out under the watchful care of Community Stakeholders.  Such a course of action would positively improve economic justice and social justice within the African American community.

            After reading the Summer/Fall edition of “Straight Ahead” ( , I believe that Straight Ahead ( has now earned the political clout to hold Governor Shapiro and Mayor Kenney of Philadelphia accountable by forcing their hands to act upon the release of the Seniors referred to in this writing in support of the economic justice and social justice model of a Reentry Zone for Returning Citizens in a show of good faith that something concrete is being done to relieve the situation for Senior Lifers during the two (2) to five (5) year interim that legislation is expected to pass for the release of Senior Lifers.  Would the State then deny these Seniors the opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the African American community in its time of need, by Men being held in prison under unjust circumstances who would represent the Lowest Form of Hanging Fruit that even any racist society on the face of Planet Earth would embrace as a safe bet for release?

            Perhaps Governor Shapiro would do it in his stand against the Death Penalty, and in a show of appreciation to the African American community for his counting on the Black vote and the African American community coming through for him in his bid to be elected Governor of Pennsylvania.  If the people of Pennsylvania, representing Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, find these Truths to be self-evident, would they then have the courage to correct this long standing cruelty as a show of good faith towards those Black Lifers, such as myself and others, who could and should have been released ten years ago or more if basic fairness had been applied to their release worthiness, and as a response to the African American community in its time of need?

            I have provided below for your review and consideration the Plan Of Action of People Advancing Reintegration (PAR) and the role it will play in advancing economic justice, social justice, and racial justice reforms we are in pursuit of.

                          James Muhammed Taylor (AF-4120) * All Rights Reserved * (c) 25 March 2023

To learn more, contact:

Mr. James Taylor (AF-4120)

Smart Communications/PADOC


Post Office Box 33028

St. Petersburg, FL  33733


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