
01 August, 2020


Chairman, Commutation Committee


          From the outset, I think it is worth quoting a paragraph to consider from Imam W.D. Muhammad’s book, “Islam’s Climate For Business Success,” where he states on page 71:

                “Just as the plant has to have the condition and circumstances for its coming forth from the earth from a dead seed, the human being has to have the climate for success.  It is called a ‘dead seed’, but is the seed really dead?  The seed is not dead as a stone is dead.  You can put a stone in the earth, and the rains will come and the warmth will come and the circumstances will come, but nothing will happen.  But if you put a seed in the earth which appears to be as dead as a stone – and many seeds are called stones – something happens when the circumstances come.  The seed swells and grows into a beautiful plant and a useful thing.  Likewise, it is for us.  A parable of the human life in all its descriptions is plant life with all of its descriptions.  (Qu’ran).”

          We prisoners have often heard it said of us that, “The leadership of the Black community is locked up in prison.”  Perhaps they meant that it would be in our ability to provide meaningful leadership in helping to solve some of the troublesome problems confronting the Black Community today.  Viewed from that perspective, they could very well be right, based on the Criminal Justice and Social Justice Reform work we have been pursuing from prison for decades.

          Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen gives support to this idea as well in saying:

                “The great illusion of leadership is to think that man can be led out of the desert by someone who has never been there.” 

And who would be best qualified to lead our people out of the desert of crime, gun violence, poverty, and want than those who have lived it?

                The number one reason the African American community has failed so miserably at bringing our men back home productively from prison is because we have not been our own Market for Reentry.  We have been relying upon others to provide that need for us, which has failed us also.

                Iman W.D. Muhammad has said by way of instruction to the African American community:

                          “Social establishment aspirations need to mate with business interest; if it doesn’t, then you don’t have much of a future for yourself in social establishment.”

                I have stopped wracking my brain wondering if the leaders in the prison population would see the success I see in support of a business driven Reentry Zone for Returning Citizens to the City of Philadelphia.   All I can say is:  “Man plans and God too plans, but the best of planners is God.” (Qu’ran).  My mother used to put it this way:  “Son, The Lord works in mysterious ways.”    I have strong faith and find comfort in that as a hope.

                Here is my idea.

                Picture the 20 plus prisons in the State of Pennsylvania as representing different sections of a city under different degrees of discipline, all wanting the same thing – freedom and a realistic chance to make it upon release.  Graterford Prison, now SCI Phoenix, being under the most consistent progressive-minded administrative leadership over the years has encouraged and supported the inmate population’s self-help program initiative.  In that sense, let’s say SCI-Phoenix would represent the Reentry Zone in that part of the city where all of those program initiatives are best put in play for the benefit of the entire prison population of Pennsylvania.   So, who are the Men of Phoenix?  What have we done to support the above idea?



                LIFERS, Inc.  Seeking Parole Eligibility Through Legislative Change ( We all know the political connections we have made in that effort over the years.   They can serve us well in our current stretch for freedom in carrying the work forward on the outside.  The Men of Phoenix did that.  It came from us!

                The LIFERS Public Safety Initiative’s (PSI) Mentoring Project for At-Risk Youth.  The Men of Graterford – Phoenix did that.  It came from us!

                People Advancing Reintegration (PAR) as a self-help initiative, has dealt with reentry effectively for 30 years.  It has produced a solid course for release preparation with PAR-Recycle Works (  which is now providing jobs for our people upon release.  We can expand job opportunities for Men within that business.  It came from the prisoners of Phoenix representing the entire prison population of Pennsylvania!

                Fathers And Children Together Experience (F.A.C.T. Experience), a solid initiative addressing the needs of our children from a self-help perspective  We did that from the mindset of the Men in Phoenix.  It came from us and can be greatly improved upon within the external business driven Reentry Zone envisioned as a necessary public safety initiative

                Real Street Talk has continually reached out to the young men entering the institution as potential foot soldiers against crime and gun violence in our neighborhoods with a mind towards business development. We did that!  It came from the Men at Phoenix!

                Pipe Line To Prison Youth/Reclaiming Their Lives As Men provides participants with a full range of reentry support to get on their feet through direct action.  The Men of Phoenix did that!   It came from us!

                Man Up advocates that we take a stand for doing the right thing for ourselves where we stand and being responsible for bettering the community upon release. 

              The Men of Phoenix have done these projects independently of each other within the Reentry Zone of Phoenix.  The same thing can be done on the outside within a business-driven Reentry Zone in the City of Philadelphia or Returning Citizens to grow and thrive in.

                The training phase of our work is complete.  It is time now to put these initiatives to work independently of each other, yet being compatible in service in the community within the business-driven Reentry Zone selected for West Philadelphia as a model of self-sufficiency.  This model will lead the way to future growth for the struggling poor of our community.  Our initiatives represent a collective transformative movement, backed by direct action every step of the way.

                This idea has been shared with significant supporters on the outside who believe the business-driven Reentry Zone coming from us is needed in the community and would work.

                As To Our Call To Purpose and The Black Lives Matter Movement.   This is where the action is and where success lies for the Criminal Justice Reforms we seek.  Believe me, Pennsylvania is the KEY STONE STATE and its Prison System is where the most egregious, draconian, inhumane, and racist laws have been perpetrated against Lifers, and  Blacks in particular, that cannot be defended as the knee on the neck of George Floyd cannot be defended!

                In this present time when the whole world is demanding an end to the systematic racism against Blacks in America, what does the Criminal Justice System of Pennsylvania lose by granting the release of overly punished Black Men and Women who have repented, grown old, pose no threat to society and have served more than enough time?  Men and Women who rightly should have been released through the Board of Pardons after serving 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years?!

                Philadelphia District Attorney Lawrence Krasner is fighting to correct unjust and racist practices against Blacks.   But where is the muscle of Black Lives Matter and the citizenry being applied to support his efforts after electing him for that purpose?  Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, Head of the Board of Pardons, is leading the charge for the just release of Lifers.  He is telling us what needs to be done, in one aspect of the struggle, to help him and members of the Board of Pardons by putting pressure on elected officials to “increase funding so they can process more commutation applications and free deserving Pennsylvanians of this burden on their lives”

                This is where the Black Lives Matter Movement can focus attention and save lives.  It is where a major victory for prison reforms can be won.  Black Lives Matter’s ignoring this Call To Purpose would constitute the worst form of neglect and betrayal!


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