
08 September, 2024


We received a horrifically shocking anonymous report regarding a dire and deadly situation that is occurring at SCI Phoenix, located at 1200 Mokychic Road in Collegeville, Pennsylvania .   Opened in 2018, construction costs for SCI Phoenix escalated to US$400,000,000.00 – US$400,000,000.00 taxpayer dollars.  SCI Phoenix has been touted as the most expensive correctional facility in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.   However, in view of the Chinese Water Torture which takes the form of exposing incarcerated United States citizens to, contaminated and unsafe drinking water together with other existing inhumane and unsanitary conditions and treatments, SCI Phoenix is actually a US$400,000,000.00 Pennsylvania gulag. 

 Here is what is really happening at SCI Phoenix, the US$400,000,000.00 gulag which is unlawful and unconstitutional:

 1.     All incarcerated United States citizens at SCI Phoenix have been exposed and continue to be exposed to Legionnaire’s Disease.

2.    The administration at SCI Phoenix has downplayed and continues to downplay the legitimate concerns of United States citizens incarcerated there who are nonsmokers have contracted cancer and unexplained black lungs which results from  d breathing air that flows through unclean and unchanged air filters.   Further, incarcerated United States citizens housed at SCI Phoenix have also developed rashes, and respiratory ailments.

3.    Contaminated water that causes foul smells to emanate from the bodies of incarcerated United States citizens who are forced to drink the water.

4.    Water drains and main yards infested with geese feces.

5.    Air filters  and water filters throughout SCI Phoenix  have not been changed or cleaned in years.

6.    Although incarcerated United States citizens at SCI Phoenix do NOT have the ability to boil their drinking water, they are being told by “Unit Staff” employed there to boil their water.

7.    Some cells do not have cold drinking water.

8.    There is one water fountain that produces hot and cold water in the housing units which is alleged to produce filtered water.

9.    Incarcerated United States citizens at SCI Phoenix endure a plethora of dehumanizing practices perpetrated by prison guards and prison staff members.

           Inquiries about the dire and deadly situation at SCI Phoenix  described above, should  be addressed to:

 Dr. Laurel R. Harry


Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections

1920 Technology Parkway

Mechanicsburg, PA  17050

Telephone:  (717) 728-4109


Mr. David Radziewicz

Special Assistant

Executive Office

Pennsylvania Department of Corrections

Mechanicsburg, PA  17050



Mr. Robert Marsh

Deputy Secretary

Central Region

Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections

Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

Telephone:  (717) 728-4122; (717) 728-4123

 Areas of Responsibility:  SCI Phoenix;  SCI Coal Township; SCI Chester; SCI Dallas; SCI Frackville; SCI Waymart


Diana Woodside

General Counsel

Director of Policy & Legislative Affairs

1920 Technology Parkway

Mechanicsburg, PA  17050

Telephone:  (717) 728-4119

Facsimile:  (717) 728-4178


         Why submit inquiries to the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections about the dire and deadly situation at SCI Phoenix? 

          SCI Phoenix operates under the umbrella of the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections (  .  Originally known   as the Bureau of Corrections of the Department Of Justice,  the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections was created in 1953  in response to riots at State Correctional Institution Pittsburgh and State Correctional Institution Rockview and a subsequent report by Retired Army Major General Jacob L. Devers and his committee which investigated issues occurring at Pennsylvania prisons.  In 1980, the Pennsylvania Department Of Justice was abolished and the Bureau of Corrections was among a number of agencies transferred to the Office of General Counsel to the Governor.  In 1984, pursuant to Act 245  the Bureau Of Corrections was elevated to a cabinet-level position and became known as the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections, as more fully set forth in the transcript testimony of Pennsylvania Commissioner Of Corrections The Honorable John D. Lehman presented at the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania House Of Judiciary Committee Oversight Hearing convened on 4 April 1991 ( transcripts/1991_ 0094_0001_tstmny.pdf).  During his testimony, Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections Commissioner Lehman defined the mission of the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections:

 “The mission of the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections is to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth by managing all state correctional facilities in a safe secure and humane manner.  This includes offering treatment services at professionally accepted standards for committed individuals to prepare them to return to society as contributing and productive members”.

         Clearly, SCI Phoenix is not being operated in a humane, safe and secure manner.  Clearly,  incarcerated United States citizens who currently reside at SCI Phoenix are not being prepared to return to society as “contributing and productive” citizens.  Further, the dire and deadly situation which exists at SCI Phoenix is unconstitutional and unlawful and violate international conventions to which the United States is a signatory; United States foundation and constitutional law; and federal and Pennsylvania statutory law that includes, but is not limited to:

 1.  The Nuremburg Code - were created by the United States Court in United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al., known as the Doctors Trial (https://nuremburg. law.harvardedu/nmt1intro)

2. Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment ( instruments-mechanisms/instruments/convention-against-torture-and-other-cruel-inhuman-degrading) to which the United States is a signatory that was ratified by the United States Congress and is, per se, the law of the land in the United States pursuant to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution (https://constitution. All individuals, institutions, organizations, governmental agencies, governmental offices, governmental officials and employees, prisons, and prison officials and employees  throughout the United States of America are required to enforce and comply with the Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment.  Failure to comply with and enforce the Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America, constitutes a commission of an offense against the United States of America. 

  3.  United Nations Minimum Rules For The Treatment Of Prisoners (The Nelson Mandela Rules) -- United Nations Resolution A/RES/70/175 ( documents/ justice-and-prison-reform/nelson_mandela_rules-ebook.pdf) to which the United States is a signatory that was ratified by the United States Congress and is, per se, the law of the land in the United States pursuant to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution (  All individuals, institutions, organizations, governmental agencies, governmental offices, governmental officials and employees, prisons, and prison officials and employees  throughout the United States of America are required to enforce and comply with the United Nations Minimum Rules For The Treatment Of Prisoners (The Nelson Mandela Rules) -- United Nations Resolution A/RES/70/175.  Failure to comply with and enforce the United Nations Minimum Rules For The Treatment Of Prisoners (The Nelson Mandela Rules) -- United Nations Resolution A/RES/70/175 which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America, constitutes the commission of an offense against the United States of America.

  4.  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( en/instruments-mechanisms/instru ments/international-covenant-civil-and-political-rights).  The United States of America is a signatory to the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights which was ratified by the United States Congress in 1992 and is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America pursuant to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution ( browse/essay/artvi-c2-1/alde00013395/).  All individuals, institutions, organizations, governmental agencies, governmental offices, governmental officials and employees, prisons, and prison officials and employees  throughout the United States of America are required to enforce and comply with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America.  Failure to comply with and enforce the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America constitutes the commission of an offense against the United States of America.

 5.   International Convention For The Elimination Of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (United Nations Resolution 2106(XX)) -- ( ternational-convention-elimination-all-forms-racial), to which the United States of America is a signatory that was ratified by the United States Congress and is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America pursuant to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution (https://constitution.congress. gov/browse/essay/artvi-c2-1/alde00013395/).  All individuals, institutions, organizations, governmental agencies, governmental offices, governmental officials and employees, prisons, and prison officials and employees  throughout the United States of America are required to enforce and comply with the  International Convention For The Elimination Of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (United Nations Resolution 2106(XX)).  Failure to comply with and enforce the International Convention For The Elimination Of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (United Nations Resolution 2106(XX)) which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America, constitutes the commission of an offense against the United States of America.

 6.  Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution – Cruel And Unusual Punishment ( amendment-8/).

7.   Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution ( pkg/cdoc-110hdoc 50/pdf/ cdoc-110hdoc 50.pdf).

8.    Section 1, Article I of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Inherent Rights Of Mankind)  - us/wu01/li/li/ct.htm/00/ 00.htm.

  9.  Section 1, Article 1 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Inherent Rights Of Mankind) -

 10.          Section 26, Article I of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (No Discrimination By Commonwealth And Its Political Subdivisions) -

 11.          Section 29 of Article I of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Prohibition Against Denial Or Abridgment Of Equality Of Rights Because Of Race And Ethnicity)- us/wu01/li/li/ct.htm/00/00.htm.

 12.          18 U.S.C. §241 - Conspiracy Against Rights (Federal Official Oppression Statute) ( text/18/241).

13.          8 U.S.C. §242 - Deprivation Of Rights Under The Color Of Law (https://www.

 14.          18 U.S.C. §2340  - Torture ( text/18/2340#).

 15. Section 1 of the 1871 Anti-Klan Act (42 U.S.C. §1983) (https://www, content/pkg/uscode-2009-title42/ pdf/uscode-2009-title42-chap21-subchapi-sec1983.pdf).

 16.          18 Pa. C.S. §5301 (Pennsylvania Official Oppression Statute) -


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