D.A. Sears USA Coordinator – International Men’s Day
Chair, USA 2012-2022 International Men’s Day Ten Year Plan Committee
Approximately 2.2 billion of the 7.4 billion souls who occupy our global village which we know as Planet Earth are children – Our Sons and Our Daughters. Each of these 2.2 billion souls emerge from the womb emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually whole. The Millennium has produced a group of children who are the most intellectually mature, creative, and keenly intuitive souls our global village has encountered. Violence – physical and psychological, poverty, hunger, lack of access to adequate physical and mental health resources and support services, Fatherlessness, ethnic and religious intolerance, mass incarceration, an unlevel educational playing field, and illiteracy traumatizes these souls as they make their journey from childhood to adulthood. What do these souls think about? Care about? What is their vision of the world that they want to live in when they mature into adults? What messages do they have for the adults of the world? And how we move the 2.2. billion souls who are children to commit to peace . . to engage in nonviolent conflicts resolution? How do we “teach peace’ to these 2.2. million souls who are confronted with violence in some form every day whether it be through social media, television, or on the streets of our neighborhoods?
The launch of the International Men’s Day “Teach Peace” Children’s Literacy Initiative is about providing children – Our Sons and Our Daughters with a forum to share their vision for the world through essays and poems which will be published in the CHILDREN’S CORNER segment of IN SEARCH OF FATHERHOOD®, a quarterly international Fatherhood and Men’s Issues Journal and on the CHILDREN’S CORNER blog at
To learn more about the International Men’s Day “Teach Peace” Children’s Literacy Initiative and how your child can participate, send and e-mail to: or call 267-581-3963.
To learn more about International Men’s Day, visit its website at
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