
23 September, 2024


5625 W. Master Street

Philadelphia, A  19139

(215) 473-5893

Facsimile:  (215) 879-5340




P R E S S    R E L E A S E

For Immediate Release



Queen Mother Falaka Fattah

Chief Executive Officer and President

House of Umoja, Inc.

(215) 473-5893



            PHILADELPHIA, PA  (USA) -- The House Of Umoja, Inc (,  a globally acclaimed institution headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – the birthplace of the United States of America -- ushered in autumn and its 56th anniversary on 21 September 2024 with the release of the Education Edition   of UMOJA Magazine ( which it published.  Masterfully crafted and vibrantly hued, UMOJA Magazine’s Education Edition touted the globally acclaimed institution’s “Reading Is Resistance” which it launched in February 2024 in response to the rising incidents of  “book bans” occurring in public libraries and school libraries across the United States.  

          “Book bans” have resulted in the removal of literature penned by African American authors along with literature penned by authors that explore gender issues  from the shelves of public libraries and school libraries throughout the United States of America..  Legislative push back on the national “book banning” trend  has been mounted in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by Pennsylvania State Senator The Honorable Amanda Cappelletti of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.  Senator Cappelletti’s efforts to stem the tide of “book banning” is chronicled in an article entitled,“Montgomery County State Senator Wants PA To Prevent Schools, Libraries From Banning Books” (          

        Articles and their authors in the Education Edition of UMOJA Magazine which was released on 21 September 2024, weigh in on why “Reading Is Resistance”, and explore functional literacy; the dismantling of the public education system in the United States of America and what can be done about it; and the struggles encountered by United States citizens of African descent in their professional and personal lives. The profound articles listed below which grace the pages of the Education Edition of UMOJA Magazine  and the authors who penned them will ignite a robust solutions-based national dialogue on exponentially improving the literacy skills of children enrolled in American public schools; reinstituting the “school-to-work” curriculum and dismantling the current “school-to-prison” curriculum in our nation’s schools; and the unique challenges that confront United States citizens who are male and of African descent in their professional and personal lives.

·         “Slave Literacy Is The Real Target Of Our Reading Resistance” – Author: Mr. Mark Hampton

·         “How To Revive Our Imperiled Education System” – Author:  Dr. Stephen Jones

·         “Black Male Family Preservation” – Authors:  Messrs. Keith Mungin and Maleek Phillips

·         “In Search Of Academic Athletics” – Author:  Rashid Atkins Bey

·         “There’s A Thing Called Water” – Author:  KD Morris

·         “Reading Is Resistance:  From Violence To Violin” – Author:  Mr. Jack Drummond

·         “Functional Literacy Matters” – Author:  Mr. Cleous Young

·         “It Happened Here (Ode To Kalief”) – Author:  Mr. Osayimwese Nadir Karume

·    “Knowledge Is Power – Author:  Pursuing Recovery Physical Fitness Through Academic Athletics” – Author;  Mr. Keith Blackwell

·         “No Such Thing” – Author:   Mr. Omar Tyree


           To subscribe to UMOJA Magazine, visit the website of its publisher – the House Of Umoja, Inc. --  at the following link: html.   For further information about UMOJA Magazine, call (215) 473-5893 or send an electronic mail communication to:


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5625 W. Master Street

Philadelphia, PA  19139

(215) 473-5893

Facsimile:  (215) 879-5340





Queen Mother Falaka Fattah

Chief Executive Officer and President

House of Umoja, Inc.

(215) 473-5893



“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.  We are caught up in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in  a single garment of destiny.  Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”


Excerpted From “Letters From Birmingham City Jail”, authored by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and American Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  and originally published on 19 May 1963


          PHILADELPHIA, PA (USA) – 23 September 2024 –   Established in September 1968, four months after the assassination of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, prolific author, and American Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. which occurred on 4 April 1968,   the House Of Umoja, Inc.  ( – for 56 years – has designed and implemented  solutions-based and timeless Global Models for eradicating violence and its causative factors; fostering community development and economic sustainability;  and addressing key challenges that prevent children and youths from reaching their full potential and maturing into adults who are peaceful and productive citizens.  For 56 years, the globally acclaimed institution which is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – the birthplace of the United States of America – has moved Philadelphian to embrace their inescapable network of mutuality and the single garment of destiny they are tied in.  .   

          On Saturday, 21 September 2024, the House Of Umoja, Inc. ushered in its 56th anniversary through the collaborative hosting of a series of events that focus on literacy and the promotion of peace which occurred from 10:00 A.M. through 4:00 P.M. at 1431 North Frazier Street (Queen Mother Falaka Fattah Way) in collaboration with One Art Community Center ( and We LOVE Philly (, Coincidentally, the global observance of International Peace Day under the theme “Cultivating A Culture Of Peace” also occurred on Saturday, 21 September 2024. The House Of Umoja, Inc., which has cultivated a culture of peace for 56 years marked the observance of International Peace Day ( on Saturday, 21 September 2024 with a peace ceremony in its Peace Garden. Community stakeholders assembled at the Peace Garden for the purpose of writing on paper, an issue or circumstance that created anger, grief, and/or depression in their lives. Each community stakeholder placed the paper that contained their anger, grief, or depression in a hole located in the Peace Garden that was covered with dirt which ultimately resulted in community stakeholders removing the psychological, emotional, and spiritual toxicity caused by anger, grief, and depression which had been an invisible but weighty ball and chain they carried around. The House Of Umoja, Inc.’s observance of International Peace Day which was established by the United Nations ( in 1981, culminated in participants engaging in a moment of silence which was dubbed a "Global Moment Of Peace”. The "Global Moment Of Peace" was followed by a procession from 1431 North Frazier (Queen Mother Falaka Fattah Way) to One Art One Community ( which is located at 1431-39 North 52nd Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where We LOVE Philly staged a Community Mental Health And Resources Fair.

      For over five (5) decades, the House Of Umoja, Inc. has designed and implemented timeless Global Models for eradicating violence, fostering community development, creating economic sustainability, and addressing many of the key challenges that prevent boys and adolescent males from reaching their full potential and maturing into productive and successful adults.  The globally acclaimed institution’s successful track record of positively transforming the lives of approximately 3,000 male adolescents and  reducing gang violence which spans five (5) decades, has prompted American universities and institutions to seek the House of Umoja, Inc.’s expertise.   The Office of Juvenile Justice and Prevention and the Center for Disease Control were among the institutions that sought the House of Umoja, Inc.’s expertise on gang violence reduction, youth programming, and community organizing. Former United States Presidents The Honorable James Earl Carter, Jr. and the late Honorable Ronald Wilson Reagan recognized the House of Umoja, Inc. for its pioneering work that has been documented in published articles such as “A Summons To Life,” by Robert Woodson of the American Enterprise Institute (  in 1981 and “The Violent Juvenile Offender,” by Paul DeMuro and Richard Allison of the National Council On Crime and Delinquency (, in 1984.

         An overview of how the House Of Umoja, Inc.’s 56th year of cultivating a culture of peace and moving Philadelphians to embrace their inescapable network of mutuality and the single garment of destiny they are tied in, follows.

UMOJA Magazine Released By House Of Umoja, Inc. On 21 September 2024

        In conjunction with its 56th anniversary, the House of Umoja, Inc. will release  the Education Edition of UMOJA Magazine (  on 21 September 2024 that  touts the globally recognized institution’s “Reading Is Resistance” Initiative which it launched in February 2024 in response to the rising incidents of  “book bans” occurring in public libraries and school libraries across the United States.   “Book bans” have resulted in the removal of literature penned by African American authors along with literature penned by authors that explore gender issues  from the shelves of public libraries and school libraries throughout the United States.  Legislative push back on the national “book banning” trend  has been mounted in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by Pennsylvania State Senator The Honorable Amanda Cappelletti of Montgomery, Pennsylvania.  Senator Cappelletti’s efforts to stem the tide of “book banning” is chronicled in an article entitled, “Montgomery County State Senator Wants PA To Prevent Schools, Libraries From Banning Books” (    Articles and their authors appearing in the  profound Education Edition of UMOJA Magazine scheduled for release on 21 September 2024, that explain why “Reading Is Resistance”, and explore functional literacy, the dismantling of the public education system in the United States and what can be done about it;  and the struggles encountered by United States citizens of African descent in their professional and personal lives, include:

·         “Slave Literacy Is The Real Target Of Our Reading Resistance” – Author: Mr. Mark Hampton

·         “How To Revive Our Imperiled Education System” – Author:  Dr. Stephen Jones

·         “Black Male Family Preservation” – Authors:  Messrs. Keith Mungin and Maleek Phillips

·         “In Search Of Academic Athletics” – Author:  Rashid Atkins Bey

·         “There’s A Thing Called Water” – Author:  KD Morris

·         “Reading Is Resistance:  From Violence To Violin” – Author:  Mr. Jack Drummond

·         “Functional Literacy Matters” – Author:  Mr. Cleous Young

·         “It Happened Here (Ode To Kalief”) – Author:  Mr. Osayimwese Nadir Karume

·         1“Knowledge Is Power – Author:  Pursuing Recovery Physical Fitness Through Academic Athletics” – Author;  Mr. Keith Blackwell

·         “No Such Thing” – Author:   Mr. Omar Tyree

February 2024 Launch Of “Reading Is Resistance” Initiative

       “Reading Is Resistance” is the brainchild of Queen Mother Falaka Fattah, the Chief Executive Officer and President of the House Of Umoja, Inc. which has a 56 year successful track record of mentoring and positively transforming the trajectory of the lives of over approximately 3,000 adolescent males in the City Of Philadelphia.  The launch of “Reading Is Resistance” which is responsive to “book bans” occurring throughout the United States that targets, among others, literature penned by United States citizens of African descent, took the form of a  panel discussion.  The panel discussion was convened by the House Of Umoja, Inc. in partnership with The City Root,( , an online publication founded by Mr. Kevon Chevalier, on 24 February 2024 in observance of Black History Month at the Ultra Silk Gallery ( located at 3808 Lancaster Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.    The roundtable panel discussion which was entitled, “Books vs. Bullets;  1968 To Present” was moderated by Ms. Jacqueline Taylor-Adams, Chief Executive Officer of Master Griot Publishing ( and Program Director for the House Of Umoja, Inc.’s UMOJA Youth Peace Corps which operates under the  umbrella of the House Of Umoja, Inc.’s Fattah Peace Academy (  Panelists on the roundtable discussion include

·         Mr. Anthony Bannister-Fattah - Community Outreach Director, House Of Umoja, Inc.

·         Ms. Nanyamka Wall – Educator and UMOJA Community Representative

·         Mr. Mark Hampton

·         Dr. Stephen Jones

·         Mr. Cleous Young

·         Mr.  KD Morris

·         Mr. Horace Clouden

2024 National Million Father March Observance On 26 August 2024 In Philadelphia And The “Reading Is Resistance” Initiative


          The House Of Umoja, Inc. marked its 17th consecutive year as the leader and organizer of Philadelphia’s observance of the National Million Father March (; www,   which was convened on Monday, 26 August 2024 – the first day of the 2024-2025 academic year for the Philadelphia School District.  Fathers throughout the City of Philadelphia were encouraged  and continue to be encouraged to adopt a proactive role in the education of their child by, among other things:

·         Escorting their child to school on Monday, 26 August 2024 – the first day of the 2024-2025 academic year for the School District of Philadelphia

·         Meeting their child’s teachers and the principal of their child’s school

·         Obtaining a copy of their child’s roster and a copy of the academic calendar of their child’s school

·         Checking their child’s homework every day

·         Reviewing their child’s test scores in English Language Arts, Science, Mathematics, etc.

·         Enhancing their child’s literacy skills level by reading to their child and having their child read to them

          “Reading Is Resistance”, an initiative launched by the House Of Umoja, Inc. in February 2024, is  a component of the 2024 National Million Father March in Philadelphia which focuses on exponentially increasing the proficiency levels of school children in the Philadelphia School District during the 2024-2025 academic year. 

House Of Umoja, Inc. Commences Fifth Cohort Of UMOJA Peace Corps On 3 September 2024

        Launched in April 2022 by the House Of Umoja, Inc,, the UMOJA Youth Peace Corps, UMOJA Intentional Community, and the Fattah Peace Academy are the brainchild of Queen Mother Falaka Fattah, the globally acclaimed institution’s Chief Executive Officer and President. The fifth cohort for the UMOJA Youth Peace Corps (https://www.houseof which commenced on 3 September 2024 is a twelve-week “value of human life” program” designed for youths aged 14 through 18,  that is centered around peace, family, community development, culture, and healing.   The UMOJA Intentional Community was spawned by a partnership with SCI Phoenix LIFERS, Inc. ( – a nationally acclaimed “inside out” Reentry, Criminal Justice Reform and Restorative Justice Think Tank and the House Of Umoja, Inc. Through the UMOJA Intentional Community which operates under the umbrella of the Fattah Peace Academy, the UMOJA Intentional Community leverages the House Of Umoja, Inc.’s 56 years of experience in conflict resolution, gun violence reduction, peace treaties, community-school programming, and Black male, youth and family development. 

       To learn more about the House Of Umoja, Inc.’s legacy; solutions-based Global Models that help eradicate gun violence and its causative factors; foster community development and economic sustainability; promote psychological, emotional, and spiritual healing in traumatized communities; and address key challenges that prevent children and youths from reaching their full potential and maturing into adults who are peaceful and productive citizens, call (215) 473-5893; send an electronic mail communication to:; and visit the website of

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08 September, 2024


We received a horrifically shocking anonymous report regarding a dire and deadly situation that is occurring at SCI Phoenix, located at 1200 Mokychic Road in Collegeville, Pennsylvania .   Opened in 2018, construction costs for SCI Phoenix escalated to US$400,000,000.00 – US$400,000,000.00 taxpayer dollars.  SCI Phoenix has been touted as the most expensive correctional facility in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.   However, in view of the Chinese Water Torture which takes the form of exposing incarcerated United States citizens to, contaminated and unsafe drinking water together with other existing inhumane and unsanitary conditions and treatments, SCI Phoenix is actually a US$400,000,000.00 Pennsylvania gulag. 

 Here is what is really happening at SCI Phoenix, the US$400,000,000.00 gulag which is unlawful and unconstitutional:

 1.     All incarcerated United States citizens at SCI Phoenix have been exposed and continue to be exposed to Legionnaire’s Disease.

2.    The administration at SCI Phoenix has downplayed and continues to downplay the legitimate concerns of United States citizens incarcerated there who are nonsmokers have contracted cancer and unexplained black lungs which results from  d breathing air that flows through unclean and unchanged air filters.   Further, incarcerated United States citizens housed at SCI Phoenix have also developed rashes, and respiratory ailments.

3.    Contaminated water that causes foul smells to emanate from the bodies of incarcerated United States citizens who are forced to drink the water.

4.    Water drains and main yards infested with geese feces.

5.    Air filters  and water filters throughout SCI Phoenix  have not been changed or cleaned in years.

6.    Although incarcerated United States citizens at SCI Phoenix do NOT have the ability to boil their drinking water, they are being told by “Unit Staff” employed there to boil their water.

7.    Some cells do not have cold drinking water.

8.    There is one water fountain that produces hot and cold water in the housing units which is alleged to produce filtered water.

9.    Incarcerated United States citizens at SCI Phoenix endure a plethora of dehumanizing practices perpetrated by prison guards and prison staff members.

           Inquiries about the dire and deadly situation at SCI Phoenix  described above, should  be addressed to:

 Dr. Laurel R. Harry


Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections

1920 Technology Parkway

Mechanicsburg, PA  17050

Telephone:  (717) 728-4109


Mr. David Radziewicz

Special Assistant

Executive Office

Pennsylvania Department of Corrections

Mechanicsburg, PA  17050



Mr. Robert Marsh

Deputy Secretary

Central Region

Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections

Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

Telephone:  (717) 728-4122; (717) 728-4123

 Areas of Responsibility:  SCI Phoenix;  SCI Coal Township; SCI Chester; SCI Dallas; SCI Frackville; SCI Waymart


Diana Woodside

General Counsel

Director of Policy & Legislative Affairs

1920 Technology Parkway

Mechanicsburg, PA  17050

Telephone:  (717) 728-4119

Facsimile:  (717) 728-4178


         Why submit inquiries to the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections about the dire and deadly situation at SCI Phoenix? 

          SCI Phoenix operates under the umbrella of the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections (  .  Originally known   as the Bureau of Corrections of the Department Of Justice,  the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections was created in 1953  in response to riots at State Correctional Institution Pittsburgh and State Correctional Institution Rockview and a subsequent report by Retired Army Major General Jacob L. Devers and his committee which investigated issues occurring at Pennsylvania prisons.  In 1980, the Pennsylvania Department Of Justice was abolished and the Bureau of Corrections was among a number of agencies transferred to the Office of General Counsel to the Governor.  In 1984, pursuant to Act 245  the Bureau Of Corrections was elevated to a cabinet-level position and became known as the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections, as more fully set forth in the transcript testimony of Pennsylvania Commissioner Of Corrections The Honorable John D. Lehman presented at the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania House Of Judiciary Committee Oversight Hearing convened on 4 April 1991 ( transcripts/1991_ 0094_0001_tstmny.pdf).  During his testimony, Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections Commissioner Lehman defined the mission of the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections:

 “The mission of the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections is to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth by managing all state correctional facilities in a safe secure and humane manner.  This includes offering treatment services at professionally accepted standards for committed individuals to prepare them to return to society as contributing and productive members”.

         Clearly, SCI Phoenix is not being operated in a humane, safe and secure manner.  Clearly,  incarcerated United States citizens who currently reside at SCI Phoenix are not being prepared to return to society as “contributing and productive” citizens.  Further, the dire and deadly situation which exists at SCI Phoenix is unconstitutional and unlawful and violate international conventions to which the United States is a signatory; United States foundation and constitutional law; and federal and Pennsylvania statutory law that includes, but is not limited to:

 1.  The Nuremburg Code - were created by the United States Court in United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al., known as the Doctors Trial (https://nuremburg. law.harvardedu/nmt1intro)

2. Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment ( instruments-mechanisms/instruments/convention-against-torture-and-other-cruel-inhuman-degrading) to which the United States is a signatory that was ratified by the United States Congress and is, per se, the law of the land in the United States pursuant to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution (https://constitution. All individuals, institutions, organizations, governmental agencies, governmental offices, governmental officials and employees, prisons, and prison officials and employees  throughout the United States of America are required to enforce and comply with the Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment.  Failure to comply with and enforce the Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America, constitutes a commission of an offense against the United States of America. 

  3.  United Nations Minimum Rules For The Treatment Of Prisoners (The Nelson Mandela Rules) -- United Nations Resolution A/RES/70/175 ( documents/ justice-and-prison-reform/nelson_mandela_rules-ebook.pdf) to which the United States is a signatory that was ratified by the United States Congress and is, per se, the law of the land in the United States pursuant to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution (  All individuals, institutions, organizations, governmental agencies, governmental offices, governmental officials and employees, prisons, and prison officials and employees  throughout the United States of America are required to enforce and comply with the United Nations Minimum Rules For The Treatment Of Prisoners (The Nelson Mandela Rules) -- United Nations Resolution A/RES/70/175.  Failure to comply with and enforce the United Nations Minimum Rules For The Treatment Of Prisoners (The Nelson Mandela Rules) -- United Nations Resolution A/RES/70/175 which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America, constitutes the commission of an offense against the United States of America.

  4.  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( en/instruments-mechanisms/instru ments/international-covenant-civil-and-political-rights).  The United States of America is a signatory to the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights which was ratified by the United States Congress in 1992 and is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America pursuant to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution ( browse/essay/artvi-c2-1/alde00013395/).  All individuals, institutions, organizations, governmental agencies, governmental offices, governmental officials and employees, prisons, and prison officials and employees  throughout the United States of America are required to enforce and comply with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America.  Failure to comply with and enforce the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America constitutes the commission of an offense against the United States of America.

 5.   International Convention For The Elimination Of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (United Nations Resolution 2106(XX)) -- ( ternational-convention-elimination-all-forms-racial), to which the United States of America is a signatory that was ratified by the United States Congress and is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America pursuant to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution (https://constitution.congress. gov/browse/essay/artvi-c2-1/alde00013395/).  All individuals, institutions, organizations, governmental agencies, governmental offices, governmental officials and employees, prisons, and prison officials and employees  throughout the United States of America are required to enforce and comply with the  International Convention For The Elimination Of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (United Nations Resolution 2106(XX)).  Failure to comply with and enforce the International Convention For The Elimination Of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (United Nations Resolution 2106(XX)) which is, per se, the law of the land in the United States of America, constitutes the commission of an offense against the United States of America.

 6.  Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution – Cruel And Unusual Punishment ( amendment-8/).

7.   Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution ( pkg/cdoc-110hdoc 50/pdf/ cdoc-110hdoc 50.pdf).

8.    Section 1, Article I of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Inherent Rights Of Mankind)  - us/wu01/li/li/ct.htm/00/ 00.htm.

  9.  Section 1, Article 1 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Inherent Rights Of Mankind) -

 10.          Section 26, Article I of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (No Discrimination By Commonwealth And Its Political Subdivisions) -

 11.          Section 29 of Article I of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Prohibition Against Denial Or Abridgment Of Equality Of Rights Because Of Race And Ethnicity)- us/wu01/li/li/ct.htm/00/00.htm.

 12.          18 U.S.C. §241 - Conspiracy Against Rights (Federal Official Oppression Statute) ( text/18/241).

13.          8 U.S.C. §242 - Deprivation Of Rights Under The Color Of Law (https://www.

 14.          18 U.S.C. §2340  - Torture ( text/18/2340#).

 15. Section 1 of the 1871 Anti-Klan Act (42 U.S.C. §1983) (https://www, content/pkg/uscode-2009-title42/ pdf/uscode-2009-title42-chap21-subchapi-sec1983.pdf).

 16.          18 Pa. C.S. §5301 (Pennsylvania Official Oppression Statute) -



5625 W. Master Street Philadelphia, A  19139 (215) 473-5893 Facsimile:  (215) 879-5340 Website: E-Mail:   falakafatt...